A great way to help us out at CCHS is to provide foster care for animals in need.
Festus and the rest of the Gunsmoke Gang stayed in foster care until they were ready to be adopted.
We offer several different foster care opportunities. The most common is to care for very small puppies or kittens
who are just too small to make it on their own. Sometimes they will need to be bottle fed. Other times they will
need to have supplemental foods provided. We may have medical cases where an animal needs to receive special care including
medications several times a day.
The other need we have is when an expectant mother comes into the Shelter, either a cat or a dog. It is best if
that animal can be placed in foster care until the babies are eight weeks old and can come back to the Shelter to be adopted.
If you are interested and feel you could provide a great foster care home, please complete the application below.
This application will provide us with basic information regarding the care you would like to provide, and will assist
us in finding the best foster care for each animal in need.
Thank you for your interest in helping us out!
Please complete each question and click "Submit" at the bottom of the form when you
are done. Be sure to "Tab" between the fields, as hitting "enter" or "return" will submit the form before you
are done.
"George, Speckles, and Newman enjoy their stay in Foster Care."
Thank you for your interest in being a foster care home!